In a recent, 2015, study it was found there are nutrients that can lower homocysteine levels.
Homocysteine is an amino acid made as one step of metabolizing protein. It then moves on and converts to the next step of the process, but if there are not enough of the right nutrients, this won’t happen.
Homocysteine will then build up and can damage the arterial lining. This increases the risk of heart disease and other conditions connected with inflammation. As vessels get damaged, they become “rough” and can have plaque build up.
The good news is there are nutrients that showed they can help lower homocysteine by 39%.
As inflammation is at the base of sooooo many of our health problems, it’s nice to know homocysteine is one area we can impact.
If you’d like to have more details, reach out and we’re glad to fill you in.
To your healthy heart!
Barb Fischer