My granddaughter was recently asked, at school, “What is one piece of advise your Grandmother gives you?” Her answer: “Watch What You Eat”. I had to chuckle. This would be something a grandchild of mine would say.
Yes, this is one of our mantras and we say it often. It’s really important, today. Here’s just one example: in 2017 the Journal of the American Medical Association published that glyphosate levels are 6 times higher in people in the U.S. than in Europe. Glyphosate is a metabolite of Roundup and it’s in genetically modified (GMO) soy, corn, beets, grains…..
As Europe is not ruled by our FDA they often try to forbid American foods from coming in to their countries. Can you blame them?
With all the problems, we already know about, with glyphosate, here’s a new one: It damages the metabolism of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is important for blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, the immune system, healing….even helping with COV19. This is one nutrient we really need and most people in the U.S. are low.
Another reason, as if we needed one, to avoid GMO foods at all costs. So my grandmotherly advise to you? “Watch what you eat!”