I had Crohns Disease for 14 years and was almost always on Prednisone (40 mg).and then on 12 Sulfasalazine per day. They would bring me to a state of not so much pain, but I always had diarrhea, weakness and had to nap a couple times a day. I tried vitamins my Chiropractor gave me, but they didn’t work. After about 13 years, I was very broken down and could never gain any weight. This time the meds didn’t work. I was so weak I quit working and stayed home in bed, waiting for a drug to be invented to heal me.
There is surgery where they remove the whole large bowel. I became desperate! I was in incredible pain all the time, bleeding, passing tissue… I only left the house to get IV’s at the hospital.
I was skeptical there was help. But in 4 days on a nutritional program, the achiness had gone and I was not so dizzy when I stood up… I could sit up for 1½ hour at a time… in 7 days I got dressed and took my dog for a walk. At that point, I knew I was getting better. In 1 month I went back to work, part time, at my job. In three months I didn’t need my medication…
For the first year I was still kinda’ weak and would tire easily. It’s been two years and now I have no symptoms of Crohn’s disease. The level of wellness I know today is incredible! I walk two miles everyday (briskly) I’m up at 5:30 AM until 10:00 at night. I never have diarrhea or feel sick. Everyone else around me gets cold and flus… not me!!! I have an incredible level of “Happy”!!! Bonnie Z
If you would like to know what Bonnie did that helped her so much, please get in touch, we’re glad to share!