Calcium is the most regulated nutrient in the body. Without it, life can’t exist.
We think about it for bones but there’s so much more. Here’s a partial list:
Each cells membrane uses calcium as a gatekeeper to control how hormones are used, how wastes are excreted and how oxygen is utilized.
Muscles, digestive tract and lungs can’t function properly without adequate calcium.
Nervous system: it’s the anti-twitch mineral and involved in ALL neurological processes-hearing, taste, smell,…..
Energy: mitochondria in the cells require calcium to burn energy
Circulatory system: without calcium the heart cannot pump 2 oz of blood per beat.
Urinary System: water is regulated by movement and flow of calcium in and out of cells in kidney. Water retention can be low calcium.
Bowel: low calcium leads to higher risk of cancer
Bones/Teeth: 99% of calcium is stored here

Muscle/Connective tissue: poor repaid is an indicator of low calcium
Detoxification: aids in detoxing lead, cadmium, strontium…….Very important for Stage III phase of detoxification
So now you can see, it’s not just about bones. Calcium is important for many reasons.
*recent research shows calcium supplements that are “heated” in the manufacturing process can cause problems. The calcium is “bound” and can’t be absorbed properly. Therefore, it will deposit where it doesn’t belong, in soft tissue-arteries, breasts…….
You want a calcium product that has been handled properly, no heat, multiple sources of calcium and all the co-factors needed for proper absorption. We’re glad to share what we’ve been shown is the best to use.
As you now know, your whole body will thank you for this!