We know chlorine is bad, yet, there are still those who drink tap water. One of our experts calls this “suicide on the installment plan.”
There has been much evidence that chlorine is a cause of cancer of the rectum and bladder. Let’s talk about what else it does:
It’s also a chemical that raises cholesterol and accelerates aging. Chlorine drills holes in artery walls. This is called lipid peroxidation. When this happens the artery, in self defense, calls for assistance to plug up these holes to prevent bleeding. It’s the body’s tape-cholesterol. So research has shown drinking chlorinated water promotes hardening of the arteries.
You want to take the first step to having better water. We will give you information on how to remove chlorine, 99% of lead and more than 50 other contaminants. This outperforms Brita and PUR filters-and all for about a penny per glass.
Water is helpful for detox as “dilution is part of the answer for pollution”. But it’s not helpful if it keeps putting more toxins in!
We’re glad to give you more information on how to do this. Get in touch!