When something becomes popular, sometimes, what’s been published in literature is neglected and not passed on. So is the case with liver tumors and birth control pills. It’s no secret in medicine that this happens but I’ve not met a woman who’s doctor has told her about it.-Benign liver tumors come with taking the birth control pill. (Before the pill came out in the 1960s these tumors were rare.)
While these tumors are rarely cancer, there is a high risk of them bleeding or rupturing. As the liver is a blood rich organ (about 27% of blood is sent through it), bleeding is a big deal!
Our livers are bombarded with toxins every day. No one mentions the impact of the toxin known as birth control pills (which is changing the gender of fish in the waterways). So the liver gets, yet, another hit, and research is looking at whether it ever recovers. The pill is, literally, disrupting the liver’s genes. (More on this another time.)
We want to educate ourselves and our daughters about all the ramifications from using this form of birth control. The more we inform, the more you’ll see there are serious risks. (remember, a large percentage of women don’t even take it to prevent pregnancy but for acne and bad periods. While the pill is not truly “fixing” these issues.)