Out of the major causes of death in the U.S., chronic inflammation contributes to many of them.
No good solution for this has been found from the medical side. You know, from past blogs, how many nutrients are depleted from products like aspirin, and then there is the ulcer and going deaf side effects. There is definitely a safer way!
There are ways to lower inflammation naturally and recent research shows it’s may even exceed NSAID products (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)-with a broader spectrum of actions by working on a wider range of inflammation processes.
While NSAIDS work on the COX 2 enzyme, we work on this but even more on the 5-Lox enzyme by reducing inflammatory signals called leukotrienes.
Leukotrienes promote inflammation of the bowel lining. Reducing 5-Lox has been shown to lower the number of precancerous polyps, help keep polyps from becoming malignant and reduce swelling in the bowel.

We also work to suppress another inflammatory complex NF-kappaB. When this is reduced it really helps with chronic inflammation throughout the body. (this is what I’m looking for!)
Then on to inhibit cytokines and tumor necrosis factor TNG-a, interleukin-1, beta IL-1B, IL-6, and IFN-y (inflammatory T-lymphocytes)- Just to name a few.
Know inflammation is not just about joint problems but inflammation systemically and in the bowel.
We work with a formula with great benefits and a blend of ingredients that holds a synergy patent.
We’re glad to share details, contact us.
Keeping inflammation down is a great benefit for a longer life!